Books, Presentations & More

Gardeners of Eden
Are Humans Important to Nature? Very Important!
In his new book, Gardeners of Eden: Rediscovering Our Importance to Nature, environmental writer Dan Dagget reveals how humans were responsible for creating some of the most outstanding of the Earth’s “natural” habitats—the Amazon and the Great Bison Plains of North America. And then he tells us how some of us still are creating Edens in the American West.
Author and ethnobotanist Gary Nabhan called the Gardeners of Eden: Rediscovering Our Importance to Nature “the most important environmental manifesto since Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic.” Courtney White, executive Director of the Quivira Coalition said, “It’s fun, it’s provocative, and I guarantee that when you finish this book, you won’t look at the West, or the conservation movement, the same way again.”
Ed Marston former publisher of the High Country News wrote, With this book Dan Dagget does more than just think outside the environmental box. He has torn up the old box and built us a new and improved one.”
You can get your signed copy of Gardeners of Eden: Rediscovering Our Importance to Nature from Dan directly for $24.95 plus $5.05 shipping ($30.00) by sending it to Dan Dagget, P.O. Box 61613, Santa Barbara, CA 93160 or unsigned by calling the University of Nevada Press at 1-877-682-6657. Or, you can order it from Amazon or any other major bookseller.

Beyond the Rangeland Conflict
Toward a West that Works
Dan Dagget’s classic book on how ranchers and environmentalists on the Western Range can work together to achieve common goals was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and is in its third printing, but it’s still hard to get.
If you’re interested in the future of the American West; in the health of its ecosystems, its open space, and its endangered species; or if you’re interested in what we can do about those things–about environmental restoration, collaborative management, conflict resolution, functional ecosystems, healthy grasslands, or the power of shared vision–this book by an environmental activist about ten ranchers, from Mexico to Montana, who decided to work with environmentalists rather than fight against them is must reading.
What Others Are Saying
Wendell Berry, one of America’s most respected environmental writers could hardly have spoken more highly of Dagget’s book—Beyond the Rangeland Conflict: Toward a West That Works, “I read this book eagerly, recognizing it as something I have been waiting for, and it gave me hope.”
Hugh Sidey, contributing editor of “Time” magazine has said, “Wisdom is a rare commodity in this difficult world, but you seem to have found a vein of it.”
Gary Paul Nabhan, PhD, Science Advisor, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, author of Gathering the Desert said, “Dan Dagget has done us all a grand favor by exploding the false dichotomies of ‘user’ versus ‘conservator’ and ‘rancher’ versus ‘environmentalist.’ …Beyond the Rangeland Conflict is an essential loom we’ll need if we are to reweave human communities back into the larger fabric of life in the Intermountain West.”
Get a signed copy of Dan Dagget’s Beyond the Rangeland Conflict for $24.95 plus $3.50 shipping and handling ($28.45 total).
Hear about EcoResults! in person—
bring Dan Dagget to your community.
Dan has made more than a hundred presentations around the West about the proactive, collaborative eco-effective EcoResults! approach!. Here are some responses to those presentations:
“Dan’s presentations help all sides of the “grazing debate” see opportunities for collaboration and progress – he helps people to think creatively and proactively.” Dan Macon, California Rangeland Trust
“Not only did your talk open eyes and challenge both ‘sides’ to listen to each other with respect, but you were also one of the most professional of all the participants. …if I ever get the chance to organize another conference—I’ll call you first.” Barbara Nelson, Conference Co-organizer: North American Interdisciplinary Wilderness Conference.
At a conference where Dan’s presentation was combined with a field trip to a number of the restorations illustrated in his slide show, the conference organizer was told, “You not only changed my mind, you changed my life.”
Dan’s presentations include a dynamite slide show and a talk tailored specifically for your community, its issues, and its goals.
For details on Dan Dagget’s presentations e-mail us at or write us at EcoResults!, P.O.Box 61613, Santa Barbara, CA 93160)