EcoResults! empowers you to help expand successes such as…
- Make some of the West’s most beautiful open space and irreplaceable wildlife habitat economically and ecologically sustainable.
- Restore function to dysfunctional, eroding watersheds so they absorb more rainfall and release it slowly into the environment yielding clean streams that nourish lush riparian areas that support plentiful and diverse populations of wildlife.
- Provide endangered species with habitat healthy enough that they can multiply their way back from the brink of extinction.
- Heal the scars caused by harmful methods of mining, overgrazing, farming and other types of mismanagement.
- Make the management of landscapes for ecosystem health and open space a source of wealth and sustainability for rural communities so those communities find it less necessary to convert open space into subdivisions and sprawl.
- Promote collaboration and community among rural and urban peoples by bringing them together to work toward common goals rather than setting them against one another in battles over control and compliance.
We help keep this…
from becoming this.
Applying the Most Powerful Solution
EcoResults! enables you to leverage your environmental involvement with the most powerful results-getting tool humans have yet devised – rewarding people for for healing, restoring, and sustaining ecosystems.
If we want beans, we buy them. In other words, we reward someone for producing them. We use this approach because we have found that it generally gets us more and better of what we want than any other approach. Since the inception of the environmental movement, environmental organizations have relied on laws, regulations, and enforcement as a means to get environmental results. A number of countries have tried that approach to get beans and other things. In every case, it has failed to match the success of economies based on reward.
EcoResults! adds this most powerful results-getting tool to our environmental toolbox. It does so by providing those of us who want Western ecosystems restored to a state of health and function a means to support the rural stewards who produce that result. Currently, restoration management by rural stewards is funded partially or wholly by money earned from commodity production. Some ranchers have been able to support their environmental stewardship by marketing it as a value added onto commodity sales. Examples of this are predator-friendly wool, “green” beef, etc.. Although these niche markets are expanding, in a price-driven market, they are proving too limited to support the full scope of the demand for environmental restoration and sustainable stewardship in the contemporary West. EcoResults! adds another means of support for rural stewards who produce healthy ecosystems. In this way EcoResults! ensures that more of the American West will be managed in a restorative and sustainable way.
EcoResults! will expand the marketplace for restoration stewardship by providing a means for land stewards to gain support for the environmental value they create from contributions, grants, and sponsorships directly from the people who demand it. The result will be more restorative and more sustainable management of ecosystems throughout the West.
What can we do for you?
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Beyond Conflict to Effectiveness
EcoResults! was formed to promote the use of collaborative methods in our efforts to live sustainably and abundantly on the Earth.
Collaboration means working together to achieve a goal. It also means achieving our goals by combining our passion, energy, creativity, and resources rather than wasting them blaming, fighting, and waging political campaigns against one another.
Reconnecting Ancient, Evolved Connections to Nature
As many as 40,000 years ago humans replaced several four-legged species as primary predators in the Western Hemisphere and began serving those ecosystems as hunters and herders, as seed disseminators and cultivators, as water spreaders, and more.
Today, there are cases in which humans are still performing those same functions. In some instances, they are sustaining and even restoring ecosystem function by means of them. The Tiptons of Nevada (see Success Stories) used their cattle to revegetate a barren mine site by using the animals to churn in organic mulch (hay), till in seeds, tamp the soil over those seeds, and fertilize the results with dung and urine. And, as the animals did their work, the Tiptons kept them moving as natural predators and indigenous herders have kept herds of ungulates moving for millennia.
In southwestern New Mexico, David Ogilvie restored the riparian habitat that now supports the largest and fastest-growing population of endangered southwestern willow flycatchers in the world by resurrecting a system of irrigation ditches that may date back to indigenous farmers. By spreading water over the landscape and slowing its flow as beavers and indigenous humans have for millions of years David Ogilvie created an Eden for a species that was on the brink of extinction.
Because stewards such as these operate by means that are natural, removing them from their habitat would be as unnatural as removing redwoods, beavers, or wolves from theirs. And it could be just as damaging to ecosystem health. EcoResults! gives all of us a means to participate in the renewal of these ancient, evolved connections.